Homemade Cottage Cheese

  Cottage cheese is believed to be the first cheese produced, probably by the Egyptians or Greeks. Originally, it was made by allowing milk to sit at room temperature until the good bacteria in the milk make milk proteins (casein) coagulate. Now, as we do not use raw milk but pasteurised milk in our everyday use, the milk proteins have to be coagulated by other means e.g. lemon juice, vinegar or addition of bacterial cultures that create an acidic environment in the milk, causing proteins to coagulate https://highlandcottagerentals.com/. A little known fact about cottage cheese is that it takes 100 pounds of milk to produce just 15 pounds of it. We eat cottage cheese as a diet food, since it is low in carbohydrates and fat and high in protein. Regular cottage cheese only has 4% of fat by weight, while low-fat made with skimmed milk has only 2%. A half-cup of cottage cheese has 14 grams of protein. This is about as much as 2 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish.

The term cottage cheese was first used in 1848; it refers to the fact that the cheese making process was one done at home or cottages. This cheese is not aged, so it has a much milder flavour than other cheeses. This mild flavour makes it popular among children and pregnant women who wish to add protein to their diet. Although cottage cheese is drained, it is not pressed like most cheeses and it still contains some whey. The excess whey may be drained, rinsed off, or eaten with the cheese. Rinsing cottage cheese removes a portion of the residual sodium; this is an option for those who are limiting their sodium intake but would like to continue to eat cheese https://adesignstorie.com/. As calcium from the milk is converted to an unbound form when the milk becomes acidic (to enable coagulation of the proteins to make cottage cheese), most of the calcium is in the whey.

Cottage cheese is often mixed with fruits or chives, eaten with salads or in recipes. Weight lifters in particular try to integrate cottage cheese into their diets, since the high protein makes it a good muscle builder. As a small amount of cottage cheese contains lots of casein which is a slow-digesting protein. This means that if it is consumed in the evening, breakdown products from casein absorbs slower into the bloodstream thus making it available to your body for longer periods of time. So while you sleep your body will be able to keep using it, rather than being hungry for 8 hours.

Homemaking of this cheese is so easy and it tastes delicious. We use cultured buttermilk which is added to a 1:1 ratio to milk. The acidic environment created by the buttermilk, along with heat helps coagulate the casein in milk. Hence, we get the benefits of buttermilk (see homemade buttermilk) along with the benefits mentioned above. Try it! If you run it trough a blender, it gets a similar texture to ricotta cheese, which is great for use in dips.

Ingredients: 1/2 pint full cream or semi-skimmed Milk. Only use regular pasteurised milk not UHT or Homogenised 1/2 pint cultured buttermilk 1 tbsp. Double cream (optional)


Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat until it is very hot, but do not boil. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon to prevent milk from sticking to bottom of pan and browning. Pour in buttermilk gently and uniformly and DO NOT stir at first. The curd will start to float to the top. When the curd has formed and the surrounding liquid (whey) has turned a light, clear yellow colour, off the heat. At this stage you can gently stir/scrape the bottom of the pot. You don't really need to stir; it's more like pushing the curds together because they all float to the top when they form. Let stand for about 10 minutes to cool. Pour the mixture through a fine cloth on a sieve to catch the curd. Discard the whey or use it instead of water in bread making. You can also culture the whey as you would in making buttermilk, to make whey buttermilk and then use this to make homemade ricotta cheese. Transfer the curds into a small bowl and add the double cream, if desired to give a creamier texture. This cheese can stay in the fridge for a few days but use it fresh as it is so easy to make and so good to eat as it is only milk and without the added preservatives found in processed cottage cheese. Great served on a piece of toast with a touch of homemade butter, a generous helping of cottage cheese and a couple of slices of smoked salmon with a green side salad. Also good in pancakes, especially cottage cheese hot pancakes.

Ideas For Cottage House Plans

Small cottage house plans are ideal in the present economic and climatic situation since they are inexpensive to build, heat, and maintain. In an era in which frugality and wise use of resources is replacing boastful strutting and ostentatious display, the cottage lifestyle is coming more and more into its own. Here are some ideas which you can incorporate into your own cottage house plan, or improve your existing cottage home.

The essence of cottage interiors is the blending of the familiar with the fresh - with matching your grandmother's heritage silverware with your contemporary style plate or an antique chiffonier with up-to-date casements. Mixing the old with the new adds patina and personality to a cottage home and makes a unique statement about the owner. It says "home" instead of "look how rich I am!" In the same way, bold wallpaper and paint styles can be used to create a feeling of open space in smallish rooms, especially when the walls reflect decorative patterns repeated on rugs and furnishings. Again, the idea is not to create a mishmash but rather a blending of disparate elements. Bookshelves, knick-knacks, small decorative elements - even children's artwork - can be brought together to make cottage living feel as comfortable and familiar as wearing an old favorite jacket or hat. Old style pictures in old style frames, collectible plates, even quilts can be hung on walls. Dried flower arrangements in vases or folk art sculptures can be used to decorate table tops.

The small spaces inherent in cottage house plans can be offset in part by using light, bright colors on walls to give the illusion of extra space. Using light, gauzy materials to cover window areas which allow maximum light to flood the room, and which flutter in the breeze, also help to create a sense of airiness and space. A feeling of increased height can be obtained by tasteful choice of beaded board wall coverings, vertical design wallpaper, and tall bookshelves and furnishings. The sense of the cottage lifestyle is laid-back, inviting you to slouch on the sofa, put up your feet, and rest a spell. Furnishings are unpretentious, casual, and cozy rather than stiff. You can choose a sofa for its relaxed, overstuffed attitude. The coffee table should invite people to put their feet up on it. You can just cut down a kitchen table to size, or add a glass top to a chicken coop. Wicker settees, like those used on porches, also give a feeling of relaxation and naturalness. Easy chairs should generally follow the style of the sofa, but not be exactly matching. Keep the style relaxed, eclectic, and inexpensive-looking rather than formal and intended to impress. Use casual table lamps with fabric shades in floral prints or gingham. Lamp bases can be terra-cotta, wicker, or ceramic and nothing need match anything else, as long as there is a sense of blending. The essence of cottage home plans is ease, relaxation, and feeling good about who and where you are.

Small cottage house plans are the wave of the future as the garish, ostentatious, and wasteful lifestyle recedes in popularity. There are lots of cottage house plans and decorative ideas to tailor cottage home plans living to your own taste and needs.


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